When to see a spine surgeon doctor
Back pain is one of the most common ailments in the world, with about 80% of people experiencing this at some point in their lives. It affects all ages, even children and seniors. Fortunately, most back pain gets better within a few weeks to months, but if it doesn’t go away or keeps coming back after treatment, it’s time to see a doctor.
Spine surgeons are highly trained specialists who focus on diagnosing and treating disorders of the spine. While many spine conditions can be managed effectively with nonsurgical treatments, there are certain situations where surgery may be the best option. If you have been diagnosed with a spinal disorder, your doctor will carefully consider all available treatment options before recommending surgery. Surgery is generally only considered when nonsurgical treatments have failed to provide relief and when the spine condition is causing significant pain, weakness, or disability. If you are considering surgery, you must consult a spine surgeon with experience in treating your situation. With the help of a qualified spine surgeon doctor, you can determine whether surgery is the best option for you. Here are some signs that tell you that you need to see a spine surgeon doctor.
You’ve been in pain for long time despite taking many resting days
Spinal pain is not uncommon. If you’re suffering from back or neck pain, getting a proper diagnosis is essential so your doctor can help you determine the underlying cause. This will allow your spine surgeon doctor to offer the right treatment plan for your condition.
Some of these conditions include but are not limited to:
- You’ve been in pain for at least 2-3 months despite conservative treatment (NSAIDs, physical therapy, etc.)
- You have a severe spinal deformity like scoliosis or kyphosis
- You’ve experienced a spinal fracture or dislocation recently
- Your MRI shows signs of infection in the vertebrae (osteomyelitis) or discs (discitis)
- A tumor has grown on one of your vertebrae and/or discs
Your symptoms keep coming back after treatment
If you’ve had back pain for more than three months and it keeps coming back, you should seek help from a spine surgeon doctor. Waiting too long can make it harder to treat the problem and could result in chronic pain.
If your symptoms continue to get worse or if they don’t improve after trying conservative treatment options (such as medication and physical therapy), your doctor may recommend surgery. Surgery is usually recommended when other treatments fail or only provide temporary relief of symptoms.
You experience weakness, numbness or tingling in your arms or legs.
If you experience weakness, numbness, or tingling in your arms or legs, it could be a symptom of a severe condition. A physical exam is the best way to determine if these symptoms are due to an underlying condition. If you doubt your ability to drive safely with these symptoms, our Anchor Spine and Joint team will work with you to determine the right course of action for returning home safely.
If our spine surgeon doctor determines that you have nerve compression at the time of diagnosis, they may recommend surgery as soon as possible so that they can relieve pressure on those nerves. In some cases, we may recommend conservative treatments like physical therapy and medicine before surgery if an operation isn’t immediately necessary for recovery from chronic back pain from spinal stenosis (a narrowing of spaces where nerves pass between vertebrae).
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Your back pain radiates below your knees and is unbearable
When the pain in your back radiates down your legs, you may feel it more when you stand or sit. You may also find that the pain worsens at night or when moving around. The pain may be constant or come and go.
The quality of your backache can vary from time to time. It might be sharp and stabbing (like an electric shock), dull and heavy like a rock sitting on top of your tailbone, or even burning and numbness in one leg.
Your pain is severe and you’re unable to sleep, walk or have bowel or bladder problems.
Severe pain can negatively impact your quality of life and make it difficult to perform daily activities. If you’re experiencing severe pain, it’s essential to seek medical help as soon as possible. Your doctor can determine the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to help relieve your symptoms. In some cases, over-the-counter pain medication may be recommended. However, if your pain is severe and you’re unable to sleep or walk, you may need prescription medication to help relieve your symptoms, or emergency surgery may be crucial. Diagnosis and treatment can help improve your quality of life.
The results of an imaging test show you have a spinal deformity, tumor, fracture or infection.
Your age and health condition will be considered when you’re assessed.
CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays are the most common imaging tests to diagnose spinal conditions. A CT scan produces detailed cross-sectional images of your spine that can show signs of tumors, fractures, or infections. An MRI has detailed images of your spine but does not use radiation as a CT scan does. An X-ray may also detect tumors or fractures within the bones of your spine but cannot show soft tissue injuries such as ligament tears that may result from an accident or fall onto hard ground.
If any of these apply to you, it’s time to see a doctor.
Spine pain can be caused by various factors, ranging from simple muscle strain to more severe conditions such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis. If you’re experiencing any spine pain symptoms, you must see a doctor as soon as possible. Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable. Early diagnosis and treatment can often help to prevent the condition from worsening.
Some of the most common spine pain symptoms include throbbing or aching pain, stiffness or difficulty moving, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and muscle weakness. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you must contact a doctor immediately. They can thoroughly examine and order any necessary testing to determine the cause of your symptoms. From there, they will be able to develop an appropriate treatment plan. So don’t wait – if you’re experiencing any spine pain symptoms, make an appointment with a spine surgeon doctor today.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to see a doctor. Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable. The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances of getting back on your feet again. Contact the Anchor Spine and Joint team, and we will be happy to help you treat your discomforts.
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